Planning for Your Lockbox Conversion

As we approach the conversion to our new lockbox provider, there are a few things we want
you to be aware of.

What You Can Expect

New lockbox remit address

Most lockboxes will receive a new lockbox remit address, so you will need to update the billing address on invoices and statements.

  • Lockboxes located in Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles: Our new provider has sites in those locations so your box will be converted to the new provider's lockbox site in that location.
  • Lockboxes that are processed in Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Michigan, and Cleveland: Clients can select any location in the FIS network. Your Treasury Management Advisor or Sales Specialist will reach out to you to discuss the optimal location.

New robust lockbox online transaction portal

This new portal will house your lockbox transaction activity and build archive history, online reporting, and the optional feature allowing client decisioning, which will be available via Huntington Business Online (BOL).

New service codes on billing statements

We will provide you with the updated service code list and descriptions. Huntington will waive all the initial annual PO Box Rental fees for caller lockboxes, if applicable and will pass through the provider's charges on the renewal date.

When the conversion will take place

You will receive your conversion date one month in advance. This will be followed by an email one week prior to the conversion with the following:

We have contracted with the existing provider to forward all mail received in your existing lockboxes for 90 days, from the date your box is converted. This should allow for ample time to update your statements and communicate the new address.

Important To-Do Items

Here are some important action items to do once you have received your detailed conversion information one week prior to your conversion date.


All Users 

Lockbox Servicing

There are no changes to your ongoing servicing. You will continue to work directly with your existing Huntington contacts for all onboarding and servicing activities.

For any questions, please email

Best practices for remit-to address change

If you have pre-printed envelopes, you may opt to print labels to place over the outdated address. This will ensure your payment is received at the correct location while allowing you to deplete your current stock of envelopes.

If you print the remit-to address on your remittance document, simply updating the address saved in your receivable’s software will complete your changes. Going forward, all future invoices or statements will contain the proper remit-to address. If you utilize a print vendor, provide them with the updated instructions.

Customer direct notifications of address change:

  • Use a notice enclosed with your invoice or statement mailing, instructing payments to be directed to the new address on a specified date.
  • Place a message or notification on your website
  • Direct a post card separate from your invoice to the Accounts Payable Department Supervisor. Instruct this individual to begin remitting payments to the new address on a specified date.

For clients that have a new lockbox address, Huntington will forward mail received at the current lockbox processing address for 90 days. The month after your conversion date, review the addresses on the check images and envelopes to identify customers that are still remitting to the old address.

After the first and second occurrences, additional outreach may be necessary. Please consider calling the client directly or sending a postcard or letter. A letter template is available in the "Important To-Do Items" section above for your convenience.

When the 90-day forwarding period expires, any mail received at the current processor will be returned to the customer.