Is Your Business Information Secure?

Being wired is great for business. But internal and external cyber threats make it challenging to keep your networks reliable and secure. Let's look at some common security hazards and some ways to handle them.
Worms and Viruses
Computer worms and viruses are the most common security threats that businesses face. They can have a devastating effect on business continuity and profitability. And, some of the smarter ones are more destructive than ever – infecting entire offices in seconds. If you have to take the time to clean infected computers and replace networks, you’ll likely lose money in the end (and possibly your reputation).
DoS Attacks
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks shut down websites and e-commerce operations by sending large volumes of traffic to a critical point in your network, causing it to fail or to be unable to process legitimate traffic. The results can be disastrous. Data and orders may be lost and customer requests may go unanswered. If these attacks become public, your credibility could be severely damaged. While most of the publicity surrounding DoS outages has focused on Fortune 500 companies, mid-sized businesses are not immune. Cyber criminals do not discriminate!
Information Theft
Information theft is another lucrative industry that targets all businesses. Hackers break into your network and steal your customers’ credit card and social security numbers for profit. Typically, smaller businesses are seen as an easier target than large corporations, so mid-sized businesses are especially at risk. Protecting the perimeter of your network is a good start, but it’s not enough since many hackers are assisted by a trusted insider – such as an employee or contractor.
What Should You Do?
With every advance in technology comes new ways to exploit it. Here are a few things to consider:
- Keep all anti-virus and malware software updated.
- Educate employees on what they can and cannot do using company computers to access the Internet or email.
- Develop policies that limit the use of outside or non-business programs or software.
- Continuously monitor your system for performance and other threats.
Take Internet and information security seriously at your business and address issues proactively. Diligence and preparation are the keys to preventing a major catastrophe at your company.
We all know the best offense is a good defense. Learn how Huntington’s Business Security Suite can help you stay a step ahead of threats to your business.
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