Fraudsters are getting smarter every day. It can be difficult to stay a step ahead to protect your business. Below are some best practices to help you reduce potential fraudulent business activity.
Online Security Tips
Review your account balance online on a daily basis to identify fraudulent transactions as soon as possible.
Create policies outlining acceptable use of corporate assets, specifically as it relates to web browsing, e-mailing, and social networking.
Ensure all employees are aware of the dangers of opening attachments or clicking links in e-mails from unknown sources.
Help protect your computers from malicious programs by installing and regularly updating anti-virus and anti-spyware software.
Restrict access to removable media devices. (i.e. CDs, DVDs, or USB devices) and turn off, remove, or restrict access to unnecessary services and applications.
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You're about to leave and go to a site Huntington doesn't control. Different privacy and security practices may apply. See you back here soon!
You're about to leave and go to a site Huntington doesn't control. Different privacy and security practices may apply. See you back here soon!