$50 Safety Zone®
We see you adapting to new challenges and still finding ways to look out for each other. And we want to do the same for you.
As a Huntington customer, if you accidentally overdraw your account by $50 or less, you won’t be charged an overdraft fee thanks to our $50 Safety Zone†.
How it works.
Let’s say your utility bills get auto-paid a few days before your paycheck is direct-deposited. Then, wham—a fee just because of bad timing.
Now, you have a $50 Safety Zone, so you won’t be charged an overdraft fee if you accidentally overdraw your account by $50 or less.
And, if you overdraw by more than $50, 24-Hour Grace® gives you more time to fix it and avoid a fee.†
You deserve a bank that's doing things differently.

We want to help you understand how overdrafts and returns happen, which can help you ditch the fees.
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†Your account will be automatically closed if it remains negative in any amount for 60 days, including if your account is overdrawn within our $50 Safety Zone.
24-Hour Grace® and $50 Safety Zone® are federally registered service marks of Huntington Bancshares Incorporated. The 24-Hour Grace system and method is patented. U.S. Pat no. 8,364,581, 8,781,955, 10,475,118, and others pending.