Huntington Colleagues Provide Hope and Security for Children in Foster Care
Huntington’s CIC group recently hosted Jessica Rudolph, Founder and CEO of the non-profit organization, My Very Own Blanket which is dedicated to warming the heart of every child in the foster care system with a blanket, to give them a feeling of comfort, security and a SMILE. Jessica shared that there are more than 391,000* children in the U.S. foster care system and the tremendous impact a blanket can make in helping a child feel valued and supported at a time when they have little to call their own.
Committed to making a real difference in people’s lives, Huntington colleagues came together to create these special blankets, each personalized with the child’s name and an encouraging message from the person who made the blanket.
Through this meaningful community partnership, Huntington colleagues were able to deliver comfort and care to children in need.