Commercial Credit Card

Track Spending to Improve Cash Flow and Better Manage Your Money

Manage Company Spending

Take control of your company’s spending with user-friendly overviews and reports that break down need-to-know information so you know exactly where your money is going and when.

When you are approved for Huntington’s commercial credit card, you’ll receive instant updates, high-level spending snapshots, and detailed reports organized by individual department or spending type. You can also set spending controls matched with individual employee responsibilities to avoid misuse of company funds. These limitations will be enforced every time the card is used to ensure the accurate appropriation of funds.

Commercial Credit Card

Improve Cash Flow

Monthly demands for cash can leave businesses short on working capital. Our commercial bank credit card helps you strike the perfect balance between growing your business and maintaining an optimal level of working capital. How? Simple.


Manage Timing

Control purchase timing and finance payments as needed to make cash available for other uses. Improved cash flow allows businesses to explore growth opportunities.

Early Payment

Take advantage of vendor early payment terms without negatively impacting your current cash position. Pay your vendors early and extend the accounts payable cycle at the same time, without incurring interest expense.

Enhance Vendor Relationships

Pay invoices electronically, help your vendors process payments more efficiently, and watch your relationships thrive. Your suppliers will appreciate the transparency of immediate invoice payments, which can in turn help with the negotiation process. You’ll also have access to your full purchase history to give you better insight into your relationships with each vendor and help you identify potential discount opportunities.

Eliminate Processing Steps

Huntington’s commercial credit card helps you reduce processing costs and time in key ways. This includes spending alert reports, approval flows, seamless file importation, and accounting codes that create automatic assignments for specific company data at each transaction.

Get Paid to Grow

When was the last time your bank paid you? At Huntington, we earn interchange on every transaction then share some of that revenue with you. This rebate is paid monthly as an automatic credit to your Huntington Checking Account. Your Commercial Card Portfolio Manager will work in tandem with Program Administrators to help you take full advantage of rebate opportunities at every turn.

Explore Related Services

Huntington Instant Payments℠ (HIP)

Experience a payment system that allows you to transact 24/7/365.

Automated Clearing House (ACH)

Make electronic payments to or from accounts at virtually every U.S. financial institution.

Wire Transfer

Send funds easily and securely to virtually any domestic or foreign financial institution.

Integrated Payables

Drive efficiency, mitigate risks, and control costs with a fully integrated payment platform.

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Mastercard and Mastercard Brand Mark are registered trademarks of Mastercard International Incorporated.

Huntington Instant Payments is a registered service mark of Huntington Bancshares Incorporated.